Israeli Prime Minister Olmert Sentenced to six years in prison former
The words of the judge, who called him a "traitor" were as tough as its judgment against former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert , who was sentenced on Tuesday for bribery and six years in prison, seven of disqualification from holding public office and fine of one million shekels (210,000 euros).
The successor of Ariel Sharon as party Kadima and the Government of Israel in 2006 is, in its 68 years definitely out of the political game by the same urban corruption scandal that cost him the leadership of government in 2009 . According to various sources cited by the Israeli press, Olmert shuffled challenge the current prime minister, the rightist Benjamin Netanyahu in the next elections.
Olmert years in the presidency were marked by the Israeli offensive in southern Lebanon , where he ordered a harsh punishment raid to neutralizeShiite militia Hezbollah for the next to the Israeli border regions.
Despite internal and external reviews that match up is, after Olmert made significant efforts to advance negotiations with the Palestinian National Authority.
It has been repeated that, as he argues in his memoirs, Olmert came close to signing relevant agreements on an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The possibility dissipated with the resignation of Olmert corruption between the bombings and the military incursion into Gaza in 2009.
The right turn that led to its replacement by the current prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was a setback for the peace process between Palestinians and Israelis whose nth episode failed in April . Despite U.S. efforts, Netanyahu has led to a freezing point its relations with the Palestinians. The cancellation policy Olmert further weakens any hope of a close approach.
Judge Tel Aviv considers it proven that Olmert, whom he branded as "immoral" to be corrupted, gained 660,000 shekels (just under 140,000 euros) in exchange for paving the way for urban promotion known as Holyland (Holy Land in English ), when he was mayor of Jerusalem 20 years ago. The resounding set, overpriced and pretentious as his name tops a hill west of Jerusalem with six blocks and a large residential tower visible from much of the city.
The columnist for Haaretz Anshel Pfeffer compare your profile with a raised "in an obscene gesture towards all Jerusalemites who can not afford" their finger astronomical prices.
According to the anti-corruption NGO Transparency International , 79% of Israelis believe that their political parties are "corrupt or very corrupt."For Pfeffer, Case responds Tuesday to "increased public concern" for corruption in a country where the political elite lives "well above the potential public salaries."
Reached the top, the most important post of the State, to finish as a convicted felonDavid Rozen, the sentencing judge
Olmert announced that he will appeal the ruling to the Supreme Court, but is unlikely to annul such a drastic decision. It is the first time a former Israeli prime minister faces a prison sentence since the state of Israel was founded 66 years ago.
The judge who sentenced him Tuesday, David Rozen, highlighted the intelligence and contributions to the public good Olmert of Israel, but argued that, precisely because of his former position in the Republic and its proven capabilities, Olmert deserves a harsh sentence and was exemplary, "reached the top, the most important post of the state" to end "as a convicted felon."
He had already gone through the dock in two previous trials. In 1998 he was acquitted in a case of illegal financing of his party then, the right-wing Likud. Two years ago he was sentenced to one year probation and a fine of 15,000 euros in another corruption trial.
Also on Tuesday were sentenced six involved in the corrupted frame that raised Holyland . Two are public charges, as Olmert, embedded sentences of more than six years. The other four are entrepreneurs, equally guilty of bribery. The owner of the complex, Hillel Cherney, serve three years, and pay a fine of € 400,000. Another entrepreneur, Avigdor Kellner, was sentenced to three years in prison.
Olmert insists on his innocence since the trial began. Shortly before his sentence was read spoke of "a sad day". After Jerusalem mayor for 10 years from 1993, Olmert was Minister of Industry and Finance with Sharon. He had gone from rightist positions within Likud over its sector to the left, so I went with Sharon to his new training center-right Kadima in 2005.
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