EMC1 - Electronic Medicines Compendium (EMC)
Follow these simple steps to complete the requirements: Dear User, USE “Chrome Browser or Opera Browser” don't use Firefox. 1. Write and Search below Key-Phrase into Google.com 2. Visit the Result of my website with: (ww.Tech O x y g e n) 3. After loading the Website, stay there for "2 Minute" 4. Then "WAIT at least 2 Minutes" and click on "Online Education" tab. 5. After That You’ll See “A Drop Down Posts List” then click on any "1 Post" from the list. 6. On both 2 LINKS (Make sure to Idle for at least 3 Minutes) WARNING: Do not make Page-views too much fast. You must have to stay on "Both Posts" For "2 Minutes" (on each) at least. THAT’S IT! For Proofs: 1. Send me the URL of first page you visited. 2. Send me the Last page URL. 3. Make sure to send all 3 URLs.