Thursday, After the loss Fatal Stock Exchange chairman confirms the safety of trading
Said Mohammed Omran, Chairman of the Egyptian Stock Exchange that the transactions meeting last Thursday - which hue where the main index 2.7% and lost stock about 15 billion pounds (2.15 billion dollars) from its market value - a natural and has no reason to doubt. Imran added in a telephone interview with Reuters " Our role (in the management of the stock exchange) to ensure the integrity of the transaction, which made sure of it. " Some analysts and dealers have raised doubts about the tremor experienced by the market on Thursday and called for an investigation into the matter. Newspaper quoted "The World Today" in its edition of Sunday for Ihab Said, head of the research department of art in the company "assets" of the brokerage as saying, "There is something fishy and required open investigated immediately." In the first few minutes of the session last Thursday main index rose 1.3% and increased the market value of the shares of mor...